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Conference & Workshop > Is unfit profession a barrier sciencetific research?

Is unfit profession a barrier sciencetific research?

According to Professor Nguyen Van Thinh, unfit profession is not a big barrier, if you really have a passion for scientific research, you should bravely overcome the barrier to pursue the subject you want to study.
I myself previously studied mathematics, but then I dared to give up mathematics to go to Germany to pursue another discipline, that is computational fluid dynamics, and has been a right decision so far... Thus, if you feel that your specialty is not appropriate and you are especially interested in another field, dare to give up and cross the line to pursue your passion. It is important for you to determine what you want to do, what you want to become. The question seems to be easy but it is also difficult to answer, even 2-3 years in life to find the answer", Prof. Nguyen Van Thinh, Head of Environmental Science Laboratory, the Institute of Computational Science and Technology (ICST), Lecturer, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Environment, Seoul National University, South Korea, Visiting Professor, Guelph University , Canada shared at a seminar "Methods and Directions for Research in the Field of Computational Science and Technology" held by ICST on June 16, 2017.

Prof. Nguyen Van Thinh was delivering speech at the seminar
At the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Huynh Kim Lam, lecturer at Ho Chi Minh City International University, ICST's longtime collaborator, also shared some experience. His group's research is in Molecular and Nano materials; however, there are many specialists in the field of Technical physics, and he himself also must learn from his research team members sometimes. Mr. Lam added: “Although you study this major, you can still study in another field because it is a strength in another discipline” so you should bravely overcome this barrier. Also at the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Huynh Kim Lam shared his experience in posting articles in international scientific journals; posting articles in international scientific journals with right abilities and objectives, researchers not only care about content and presentation of articles, journal selection according to IF or JCR index to submit articles is also very important factors.
Assoc. Prof. Huynh Kim Lam
Also at the workshop, Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ky Phung, Deputy Director of Ho Chi Minh Department of Science and Technology - also Director of ICST, representative of ICST, promised to welcome and support young graduate students and undergraduate students wishing to cooperate with ICST.
Prof. Nguyen Ky Phung delivered the opening speech
Author: Kim Loan
Translator: Jenny


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