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Information > Hope for new medicine on cancer

Hope for new medicine on cancer

Russian scientists have successfully tested precursors to a molecular biology drug that can help combat malignant tumors in humans even when cancer is at advanced stage.
“Our drug has a working name ‘thermal shock protein’, based on the main active ingredient. It’s a molecule that is created by any cell of the human body in response to various stress factors. Scientists have known about its existence a long time ago,” Deputy Director of the Scientific Research Institute of Highly Pure Biologic Treatments of the Russian Federal Medical & Biological Agency (FMBA), Professor Andrei Simbirtsev said as quoted by the newspaper.
Prof. Andrey Simbirtsev
The new drug that uses the protein as its main active component has been tested on mice and rats with melanoma and sarcoma, leading to complete recovery even in the later stages in the majority of the cases.
According to preliminary research, this new drug had no side effects, no toxicity. Professor Simbirtsev said that one year after the end of the preclinical trial, the safety of the new drug will be announced. If successful, drugs can be mass-produced for cancer treatment over the next three to four years.
Editor and translator: Nguyen Thanh Ngoc (Jenny)
Nguồn: Báo Viettimes, Thời báo Tài chính Việt Nam, Khoahoc.tv, Manila Bulletin


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