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Information > The state pioneering role in shaping entrepreneurial communities can not be lacking

The state pioneering role in shaping entrepreneurial communities can not be lacking

On the afternoon of 10 April, 2017, Mr. Nguyen Viet Dung, the Director of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology had a meeting with the departments to support startup groups. The director emphasized the nuclear role of public sectors in the entrepreneurial movement so that the movement is sustainable because start-up always has hidden risks of great failures.
According to Mr. Dung, leading units in science and technology such as Center of Analytical Servies and Experimentation (CASE), Research and Technology Transfer Centre (RTTC), Center for Application of Geographic Information System (HCMGIS), New Product and Technology Center (NEPTECH) ... can act as an advisor for start-up businesses. People also together with the state contribute ideas to develop this community. Private sectors can provide additional financial and material support.
Please see more details here.
Editor and translator: Nguyen Thanh Ngoc (Jenny)
Source: HCMC Department of Science and Technology 


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