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Information > Professor Ngo Bao Chau: Scientific research decides quality of education

Professor Ngo Bao Chau: Scientific research decides quality of education

In a talk show about: “The important of pursuing basic science in developing countries” in July 7th, 2016, Prof. Ngo Bao Chau and many scientists also assert the important of basic science to the development of each country.
Prof. Ngo Bao Chau said: “The important of basic science was exactly argued by scientists. However, there must be a visible thing to me that quality of scientific research decides quality of education”. He also added that if the quality of scientific research hasn’t been improved, the quality of education will not be progressed because applied research, basic research and teaching are hardly separated.

The reality of scientific research at Vietnam Universities is relatively modest except some Universities such as Vietnam National University, Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh City. More anxiously, they don’t think it’s necessary to improve. It brings to the quality of education downwards and loses many things.
Professor Ngo Bao Chau also shared that the universities need to have competition in the recruitment and flexible treatment regulations with the aim of raising the quality of teachers’ scientific research.
Mentioning of the status of abroad students do not want to return hometown to serve, Professor Ngo Bao Chau said: “In my personal opinion, no one doesn’t want to return hometown to serve, but the important thing is that their future lives must be ensured. Besides, there must be adequate remuneration, and then the Vietnam science will be thrived”. He added, the fundamentally key is that scientific labor market must have the competition and the Universities should clearly recognize that is the school’s future.
Translated by Kim Loan


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