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Conference & Workshop > Informal talk on Smart Environment

Informal talk on Smart Environment

Ph.D Le Ngo Tho - professor from McGill university (Canada) – held an informal talk on the subject of Smart Environment – building up a smart environment - in the morning of Nov 28th, 2017. The event was taken place under the organization of the Institute for Computational Science and Technology along with
Department of Science and Technology.
Ph.D Le Ngo Tho- professor from McGill university (Canada)
 According to Prof. PhD. Le Ngoc Tho, the core issue for current society is that the devices, which were supposed to be intelligent and used as solutions for urban developing, had not proven any intelligence. This issue occurred because there was only sensor inside those devices but without any function of self-identification or protection. As a result, when using imported devices, ones would easily encounter uncontrollable system security errors.

Thereby, he insisted that we should be bold enough to self-develop the smart environment solution by using domestic experts because of following reasons:

Firstly, self-development of smart environment will contributed to the motivation of internal researches and application on Sciences and Technology. .

Secondly, having a force of experts who self-develop the smart environment solution will help administrators clearly understand what they are implementing and how to adapt to every stage of smart environment solution, from that they can make suitable decision based on current situation.
Finally, self-development of smart environment solution will promote the reliability on both human resource and device then can avoid many complicated and sensitive problems related to network security and system technology.
Prof. Mai Xuan Ly holding the discussion with attendants
On the other hand, Prof. Tho also shared his actual experience achieved through the process of constructing smart environment in Canada and as well as indicated the difference and difficulty when accelerating a similar smart environment in Viet Nam. Attendants also had chances to understand several new terms about this new field.

The discussion sessions ended with experiences sharing and questions answering.
All the experts interacted with each other cozily and positively.
Translator: Kim Loan


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