
Learn how to manage what Facebook and Twitter know about you

. This week, Twitter has announced its latest privacy policy, which makes some significant changes to what we've been used to so far. Given the several significant changes brought ...

Top 5 inventions that can save mankind

1. Membranes turning seawater into drinking water The graphene-based sieve that has just been developed by the researchers in the United Kingdom will helps to reduce energy used for desalination. ...

Device that eats up air pollution and spits out energy

A team of Belgian researchers have created a proof-of-concept device that eats up air pollution and spits out energy in the form of hydrogen gas to solve two big challenges facing the planet ...

Launching the 2017 Incubator for Young Science and Technology Program

The Incubator for Young Science and Technology Program was organized by Ho Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology and Ho Chi Minh City Youth Union and managed and presided by Center for ...

The state pioneering role in shaping entrepreneurial communities can not be lacking

On the afternoon of 10 April, 2017, Mr. Nguyen Viet Dung, the Director of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology had a meeting with the departments to support startup groups. The ...

10 science facts that you may not know

Who hasn't shared an amazing science fact only to feel embarrassed later on, when you find out the information was wrong? No more! It's time to put an end to the most alluring science myths, ...

7 security issues to keep in mind in 2017

2016 year woke up by the big DDoS attacks from the IoT "ghost army", a security vulnerability on WordPress threatening millions of bloggers to face unpredictable risks. Ransomware malware ...

Hope for new medicine on cancer

Russian scientists have successfully tested precursors to a molecular biology drug that can help combat malignant tumors in humans even when cancer is at advanced stage. . “Our drug has a ...
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