Research & Development

Publication of research “Probing the Binding Affinity by Jarzynski’s Nonequilibrium Binding Free Energy and Rupture Time”

On April 9th, 2018, the first author, Mr. Truong Duc Toan, a research collaborator of Laboratory of Life Sciences at Institute for Computational Science and Technology, Ho Chi Minh City and his ...

Publication of research “Global Minimum Profile Error (GMPE) - A Least-Squares-Based Approach for Extracting Macroscopic Rate Coefficients for Complex Gas-phase Chemical Reactions”

A new publication of researchers Minh Duong, Hieu Nguyen and Tam Mai was supported by fund based on Clause 1, Article 14 of Decision No. 19 / QD-KHCNTT dated January 24th, 2017 about promulgating the ...

Publication of research “Screening potential inhibitors for cancer target LSD1 from natural products by steered molecular dynamics”

On September 28th, 2017, research collaborators of ICST's Laboratory of Life Science (Nguyen Quoc Thai, Kiet Ho, Nguyen Quy Ngan, Mai Xuan Ly) has just published the article of Screening ...

Publication of research “Evaluation of the absolute affinity of neuraminidase inhibitor using steered molecular dynamics simulations”

On August 24th, 2017, research collaborators of ICST's Laboratory of Molecular Science (Nguyen Minh Tam, Minh Tho Nguyen, Son Tung Ngo) has just published the article of Evaluation of the ...

Publication of research “Influences of Electrode Potential on Mechanism of Oxygen Reduction Reaction on Pd-Skin/Pd3Fe(111) Electrocatalyst: Insights from DFT-Based Calculations”.

On August 15th, 2017, research group of Dr. Pham Ho My Phuong, a research collaborator of ICST's Laboratory of Molecular Science has just published the article of Influences of Electrode ...

Publication of research “Switch from thermal to force-driven pathways of protein refolding”

On April 3rd, 2017, researchers of ICST's Laboratory of Life Sciences (Pham Dang Lan, Mai Suan Ly) has just published the article of Switch from thermal to force-driven pathways of protein ...
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