Conference & Workshop


The ICCSE-4 Organizer Board has made an important decision that we would open FREE access to the public for all 3 Plenary Talks and 2 Poster sessions. This offer includes an online version of ...

The First ICST Workshop on Computational Biophysics and Medicine

The First ICST Workshop on Computational Biophysics and Medicine Ho Chi Minh city, October 25 2018   Organizers Mai Suan Li, ICST, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and Institute of Physics, PAS, ...

Seminar: On the AI development of Vietnam in the digital transformation

Title: On the AI development of Vietnam in the digital transformation Time 15:00, November 15 2018 (Thursday) Venue: Institute for Computational Science and Technology, Conference room (4th ...

Mời tham dự Hội thảo khoa học Smart City 360 lần thứ II

Tiếp nối thành công của Hội thảo khoa học Smart City 360O lần thứ I chủ đề “Giải pháp tổng thể cho Đô thị thông ...

Announcement No.2 - Conference Smart City 360

Following Announcement No.148/TB-KHCNTT dated 14 May 2018 of ICST on organizing the Conference Smart City 360O with the theme of " Real-time interactive solution for Smart Cities"; ...
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