STT Thời gian  Giờ Hoạt động / Chủ đề Người phụ trách
2021-09-1010-09-2021 15:00 Ribosome occupancy profiles are conserved between structurally and evolutionarily related yeast domains Dr. Daniel A. Nissley; Department of Statistics, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
2021-07-0202-07-2021 15:00 Neurodegenerative diseases: nice collaboration stories between biologists and mathematician leading to a better understanding of prion and Alzheimer’s disease Prof. Laurent Pujo Menjouet; Université de Lyon, France
2021-05-1414-05-2021 15:00 Role of water molecules and helix-structure stabilization in the laser-induced disruption of amyloid fibrils observed by nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulations Prof. Hisashi OKUMURA; Institute for Molecular Science, Okazaki, Aichi, Japan
2021-04-0909-04-2021 15:00 Properties of cavities in biological structures Dr. Mateusz Chwastyk; Institute of Physics, Polish Acad Sci, Warsaw, Poland
2021-03-1212-03-2021 15:00 Peptide nucleic acid (PNA) oligomers and their transport to bacterial cells Prof. Joanna Trylska; Centre of New Technologies University of Warsaw, Poland
2021-02-2626-02-2021 15:00 Regulation of conformational dynamics to the enzymatic activity in bacterial Enzyme I Trang T Nguyen; Department of Chemistry, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, USA
2021-01-2929-01-2021 15:00 UNICORN Prof. Adam K. Sieradzan; Department of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk, Poland
2020-12-1111-12-2020 15:00 Computational Biophysical Studies on Proteins and Protein-nucleic acid complexes Dr. Angana Ray; Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2020-10-2323-10-2020 15:00 Probing the molecular structure of toxic Aβ(1-42) oligomers through Raman spectroscopy Dr. Martina Banchelli; Institute of Applied Physics ‘Nello Carrara’ of the National Research Council of Italy (IFAC-CNR)
2020-09-1111-09-2020 15:00 Aggregation of membrane receptors: intercellular receptor-ligand binding, lipid rafts, and thermal fluctuations Dr. Bartosz Rozycki; Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2020-06-2626-06-2020 15:00 Introduction to Fragment Molecular Orbital Quantum Mechanics Methods and Their Applications in Drug Discovery Quan Van Vuong; Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, United States
2020-02-2828-02-2020 15:00 A coarse-grained model of intrinsically disordered proteins and its applications in simulating gluten and polyglutamine aggregates Łukasz Mioduszewski; Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science, Warsaw, Poland
2019-12-1212-12-2019 15:00 Flavivirus methyltransferase as a target in antiviral treatment Dr. Petra Krafcikova; Institute of Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Czech Republic
2019-10-2525-10-2019 15:00 Challenges in Identifying Epitope Regions of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins by Classical Molecular Dynamics Simulations & Impact of Glycosylation on Intrinsically Disordered Proteins by Quantum Mechanics and Artificial Intelligence Dr. Orkide Coskuner-Weber; Turkish-German University, Molecular Biotechnology, Beykoz, Istanbul
2019-09-2727-09-2019 15:00 Infrared Spectrum Calculation of Amide I C=O Stretching Vibration via All-atom Molecular Dynamics Simulation with External Electric Field Mimicking Picosecond Laser Dr. Man Hoang Viet; School of Pharmacy, University of Pittsburgh, USA.
2019-05-2424-05-2019 15:00 Periodically driven mechanical properties of homogeneous and heterogeneous soft matter Dr. Horacio V. Guzman; Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, 55128 Mainz, Germany
2019-04-2626-04-2019 15:00 Dynamics and energetics of DNA binding as viewed by atomistic simulations Prof. Jacek Czub; Department of Physical Chemistry, Gdansk University of Technology, Poland
2019-03-2929-03-2019 15:00 Protein-ligand Interaction Energy-based Entropy Calculations: Fundamental Challenges For Flexible Systems Dr. Sergey A. Samsonov; Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk, Poland; Dr. Gergely Kohut; Institute of Materials and Environmental Chemistry, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
2019-02-2222-02-2019 15:00 CRISPR-Cas9: A REVOLUTIONARY GENOME EDITING TOOL IN MOLECULAR BIOTECHNOLOGY Bui Thi Hoang Diu; Institute of Genetics and Biotechnology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
2018-12-1414-12-2018 15:00 Binding cooperativity of membrane adhesion receptors - from statistical mechanics to cell biology Prof. Bartosz Rozycki; Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2018-11-1515-11-2018 15:00 Về sự phát triển AI của Việt Nam trong thời chuyển đổi số Prof. Ho Tu Bao; JAIST (Japan), VIASM and John von Neumann Institute (Vietnam)
2018-09-2828-09-2018 15:00 Carbon nanoparticles - applications, problems and MD simulations Dr. Magdalena A. Mozolewska; Institute of Computer Science, PAS, Warsaw, Poland
2018-06-1818-06-2018 9:30 Antifreeze proteins and mechanism of their activity in a freezing environment Nguyen Van Hung; ICST, HCM City
2018-06-1515-06-2018 15:00 Disulfide bonds in molecular modeling studies Dr. Pawel Krupa; Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2018-05-1818-05-2018 14:00 Bioinformatics approaches to explore underlying molecular mechanisms of diseases Le Duc Hau; School of Computer Science and Engineering, Water Resources University, Hanoi, Vietnam
2018-04-2727-04-2018 8:00 Bioinformatics approaches to explore underlying molecular mechanisms of diseases Garegin A. Papoian, Monroe Martin Professor; Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry and Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland, USA
2018-02-2828-02-2018 15:00 Parametrization and Benchmark of Long-Range Corrected DFTB2 for Organic Molecules Vuong Van Quan; Bredesen Center for Interdisciplinary Research and Graduate Education, University of Tennessee, United States
2018-01-2626-01-2018 15:00 Non-Mendelian heredity regulates genome reduction in nematode Caenorhabditis hermaphroditism Le Tho Son; Department of Gene Technology and Molecular Genetics, College of Forestry Biotechnology, Vietnam National University of Forestry,Ha Noi, Viet Nam
2017-12-1919-12-2017 9:00 Structure-Based Molecular Design Using Big Data Analysis Methods: Application of Deep Learning for the Identification of Potential Inhibitors M.Sc. Thanh D. Van, ICST, Ho Chi Minh city, VN
2017-12-1515-12-2017 14:00 Chaperone-like action of polyelectrolytes: effect on amorphous and amyloid aggregation Dr. Pavel I. Semenyuk, Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
2017-11-2424-11-2017 15:00 Structure and Dynamics of Molecular Systems in the Gas Phase, in Solution, on Metal and Metal Oxide Surfaces Dr. Susanna Monti, CNR Institute of Chemistry of Organometallic Compounds, Pisa, Italy
2017-10-2727-10-2017 14:00 Factors governing the metal ion selectivity in ion channels: Insights from DFT/CDM calculations Prof. Todor Dudev, Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University, Bulgaria
2017-09-2929-09-2017 14:00 Aβ amyloid fibrils studied by equilibrium and nonequilibrium molecular dynamics simulation Prof. Hisashi Okumura, Research Center for Computational Science Institute for Molecular Science Okazaki, Aichi, Japan
2017-06-3030-06-2017 3:00 Binding free energy calculations based on multiple rigid receptor configurations: the case of T4 lysozyme and 141 ligands Dr. Trung Hai Nguyen, Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL, USA
2017-05-1919-05-2017 3:00 Cur(e)cumin: new perspectives in early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease Prof. Erika Ferrari, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy
2017-04-1414-04-2017 15:00 Proteins at air-water interfaces Dr. Yani Zhao, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2017-03-1717-03-2017 15:00 Impact of Copper and Zinc Binding on structure and dynamics of Aβ42 monomer: MD/3D-RISM Dr. Subramaniam Boopathi, Department of Chemistry, Sookmyung Women’s University, Seoul, Korea
2017-02-2424-02-2017 15:00 Flexible-Body Protein-Protein Docking: an Application of Parallel Cascade Selection Molecular Dynamics Duy Tran The University of Tokyo, Japan
2016-12-2323-12-2016 15:00 Conjugation of Membrane Proteins onto Nanodiamonds for Proteomics Analysis, Cell Targeting, and Nanovaccine Development Dr. Dinh Minh Pham Institute of Biotechnology, VAST, Hanoi, Vietnam; Visiting scholar, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2016-11-2525-11-2016 15:00 Combining the MARTINI and structure-based coarse-grained approaches for the molecular dynamics studies of conformational transitions in proteins Dr. Panos E. Theodorakis Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2016-10-1414-10-2016 15:00 Applications and improvements of the coarse-grained UNRES force field Dr. Pawel Krupa Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2016-09-2323-09-2016 14:00 Ions and disordered Dr. Giovanni La Penna, CNR, Institute of Chemical Organometall Compounds, Florence, Italy
2016-06-2424-06-2016 15:00 Functionalization of Nanodiamonds for Proteomics, Cell-type Labelling and Targeting Dr. Pham Dinh Minh Institute of Biotechnology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
2016-05-1313-05-2016 15:00 Đường dẫn phối tử khuếch tán J. Rydzewski and Prof. W. Nowak, Viện Vật lý, Đại học Nicolaus Copernicus, Torun, Ba Lan
2016-04-0808-04-2016 15:00 Periodic Forces Trigger Knot Untying during Translocation of Knotted Proteins Prof. Piotr Szymczak - Department of Physics, University of Warsaw, Poland
2016-03-1818-03-2016 15:00 Proteins with knots Mateusz Chwastyk - Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2016-02-2626-02-2016 15:00 Interesting physics of micro-particles and macromolecules in microchannel flow Prof. Yeng-Long Chen, Institute of Physics, Academica Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2016-01-2222-01-2016 15:00 Nobel prizes in 2015 Prof. Mai Suan Li and PDQ Huy, Institute of Physics, Polish Acad Sci, Warsaw, Poland
2016-01-1414-01-2016 15:00 Applications and improvements of the coarse-grained UNRES force field Dr. Pawel Krupa Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2015-12-1818-12-2015 15:00 High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) for the treatment of human organs Dr. Maxim Solovchuk, Institute of Biomedical Engineering andNanomedicine, National Health Research Institutes, Taiwan
2015-11-2727-11-2015 15:00 Assessing the quality of transmembrane protein NMR models via free energy calculation Dr. Adolfo Poma, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2015-10-3030-10-2015 14:00 Factors governing the processes of metal binding and selectivity in biological systems Prof. Todor Dudev, Department of Chemistry, Sofia University, Bulgaria
2015-09-1111-09-2015 14:00 Sliding of proteins along single-stranded DNA Dr. Garima Mishra, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
2015-06-2626-06-2015 15:00 Spontaneous curvature of bilayer membranes from molecular simulations:Asymmetric lipid densities and asymmetric adsorbate concentrations Dr. Bartosz Rozycki, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2015-05-1515-05-2015 10:00 Understanding Protein-Carbohydrate Interactions: Molecular Modeling Insights Dr. Sushil Kumar Mishra, Masaryk University,Brno, Czech Republic.
2015-04-1010-04-2015 10:00 Insights from multiscale computational approaches into bitter taste sensing Dr. Alejandro Giorgetti, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH, Jülich, Germany
2015-03-1313-03-2015 9:00 Substrate-Dependent H/D Kinetic Isotope Effects and the Role of the Di(μ-oxo)diiron(IV) Core in Soluble Methane Monooxygenase: A Theoretical Study Binh Khanh Mai, Kyung Hee University, Korea
2015-01-2222-01-2015 9:00 Molecular simulation studies of cisplatin binding to proteins Dr. Nguyen Trung Hai, Illinois Institute of Technology, USA
2014-12-1919-12-2014 15:00 Coarse-grained molecular modeling of the membrane receptor CXCR4 recognition by the chemokine CXCL12 Prof. Tap Ha-Duong, University Paris-Sud, France
2014-11-2828-11-2014 15:00 DNA-duplex formation with a coarse-grained model Dr. Maciej Maciejczyk, IIMCB, Warsaw, Poland
2014-11-2828-11-2014 14:00 Computational Evaluation of Selectivity of 11beta-HSD Inhibitors Hồng Phúc, ICST, Ho Chi Minh city, VN
2014-10-1717-10-2014 15:00 CABS-based tools for protein modeling: prediction of protein structure, flexibility and protein-peptide docking Dr. Sebastian Kmiecik, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland
2014-09-1515-09-2014 15:00 Molecular origin of fat development and obesity Mr. Chu Dinh Toi, Polish Acad Sciences, Olsztyn, Poland
2014-06-1313-06-2014 15:00 Solid-state NMR Spectroscopy of HIV-1 Vpu and Human CD4 in Phospholipid Bilayers Dr. Quynh Hoa Do, Institute of Complex Systems, Julich, Germany
2014-05-0909-05-2014 15:00 Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Forced Protein Unfolding Dr. Maksim Kouza University of Warsaw, Poland Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Forced Protein Unfolding
2014-04-1818-04-2014 15:00 Mapping a novel sex determination gene in ants Dr. Yu-Ching Hoang, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
2014-02-2828-02-2014 15:00 Assembling the multi-protein ESCRT complexes by simulation and experiment Dr. Bartosz Rozycki, Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
2014-02-1414-02-2014 15:00 Strategies in Drug Design for Influenza A Virus Tran Minh Nhut, ICST, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
2014-01-1010-01-2014 14:00 Effects of ribosomal exit tunnel on protein cotranslational folding Bui Phuong Thuy, Nam Dinh University of Technology Education, Nam Dinh, Vietnam
2011-12-0808-12-2011 14:00 Comparative study on sequence-structure-function in human short-chain dehydrogenases/reductases(SDRs) Tăng Ngọc Nữ, ICST, Ho Chi Minh City, VN
2011-11-2424-11-2011 15:00 Inhibitors of Amyloid Beta Peptides Mẫn Hoàng Việt, Institute of Physics PAS, Warsaw, Poland
2011-11-1111-11-2011 14:00 Improvement of Docking Scoring Function on 11beta-HSDs Proteins Diễm Trang, ICST, Ho Chi Minh city, VN,
2011-10-0707-10-2011 2:00 Binding affinity of protein- ligand complex: how to score and improve. Trúc Trang Nguyễn, ICST, Ho Chi Minh city, VN
2011-09-2323-09-2011 14:00 3D-QSAR Vương Văn Quân, ICST, Ho Chi Minh city, VN
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