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Information > Annual grant 2 billions VND for the Programme of Creative S&T Youth Incubation

Annual grant 2 billions VND for the Programme of Creative S&T Youth Incubation

HCM City's Department of Science and Technology (DOST) will manage the Programme of Creative Science and Technology Youth Incubation, and provide 10 billions VND for the incubation activities for 5-year period.
In the morning of July 12th, HCMC Youth Union held a closing ceremony for the Programme of Creative Science and Technology Youth Incubation with the presence city's governors, scientists, and representation of other research institutes and universities.
The Programme of Creative Science and Technology Youth Incubation has been developed with the aim to encourage and promote innovation of the youth in research activities; granted for making models, effective new solutions, contributing to the development of economy, culture and society of the city, as well as the country. Experiencing the journey of 20 years, the program has received nearly 1,700 preliminary application of young scientists and granted funding for 345 projects.
According to Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ky Phung, Vice President of DOST, the program will be continuously operated under DOST management from now on. Every 5-year period, it will be funded 10 billion VND  for the incubation activities (app. 2 billions VND annually).
Hỗ trợ 2 tỉ đồng mỗi năm cho Vườn ươm sáng tạo KH&CN trẻ - 3
Prof. Dr. Nguyen Ky Phung awarded certificates to 20 council members who have contributed greatly to the program.


Translated by Kim Loan


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