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Information > Institute for Computational Science and Technology

Institute for Computational Science and Technology

1. Introduction

The Institute for Computational Science and Technology (hereafter called ICST for short) was established under the Agreement No. 279/QD-UBND on January 22, 2008 of Ho Chi Minh City People’s Committee, with the following overall objectives: to study computational science and technology, to attract national and international scientists, to be combined to offer postgraduate education, to build scientists group in the field of calculation on a level with the region and international integration.

The Institute for Computational Science and Technology is a public service unit under the Department of Science and Technology of the city, organizing scientific and technological research, basic research, strategic and policy research serving Government management, operating under the Decree No. 115/ND-CP of the Government on the provisions of autonomy, self-responsibility for task performance, organization of apparatus, workforce and finance for public service units and science and technology. ICST has legal status, its own seal and may open accounts at banks, State Treasury to operate as prescribed.

ICST is originally invested with facilities to operate under business funding sources from the State budget and considered to be added with annual source from revenues and investments as prescribed. ICST may carry out activities including research, organizing information, consulting, manufacturing and testing, scientific technology services and receives income under the provisions of the State.

2. Organization

ICST operated with a joint-leadership structure. Members of the Board of Director work together to help ensure that regulatory considerations form an integral component of both local S&T policies and international research standards.
  • Prof. Nguyen Ky Phung (HCM City's Dept. of S&T): Executive Director
  • Prof. Mai Suan Li (Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Science): Chief Scientific Advisor
The Science Council consists of 14 members, the majority of whom are scientists working at or collaborating with ICST. The permanent board is composed of:
  • Chairman: Prof. Mai Suan Li
  • Permanent Vice Chairman: Prof. Nguyen Ky Phung
  • Permanent secretary: Dr. Doan Xuan Huy Minh

3. Facilities

  • Our headquarter stays at Software Business Incubator (SBI) building, Quang Trung Software City (QTSC), District 12, Ho Chi Minh City. The Administration Department and Project Management Unit are located on 3rd floor. The laboratories, IT team and meeting hall are placed on 4th floor.
  • Accounting office is located at Centre for Research and Technology Transfer and Development (RTTC), 273 Dien Bien Phu, District 3.
  • A 29-seat bus meeting and seeing off staff - employees from the RTTC to QTSC and vice versa.

4. HPC/IT system

  • 02 Linux cluster systems with 100 TFLOPs, placed at QTSC Data center
  • Internet broadband: Two lines (1) International 8Mbps and domestic 100Mbps, and (2) International 1.5Mbps for seminars, workshops at Meeting hall.
  • Labs can be self-equipped with workstations and servers serving own purposes

5. Achievements

Thanks to the specific topic management mechanism, especially acceptance mechanism checking and taking over subjects in basic science research, the basic science development in the past few years has achieved an impressive success with a total of 57 scientific subjects, and 124 international articles (ISI category). Many basic scientific research are in some disciplines such as: life sciences, molecular science, basic math... have been published in high IF (impact factor) journals and much quoted.
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