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Information > By 2020, all Scientific Articles Should Be Freely Accessible

By 2020, all Scientific Articles Should Be Freely Accessible

Summarized by Kim Loan.
The European Union's ministers of Science, Innovation, Trade, and Industry have decided to give individuals free access to science papers by 2020.
This week was a revolution change in the sciences because the EU announced that European scientific papers should be made freely available to all by 2020. This would legally impact research supported by public and public-private funds. European Union member states were in agreement on an ambitious new open access (OA) target. If the 2020 target is met, it would mean that millions of people would have free access to the knowledge and information produced by experts in Physics, Astronomy, Mathematics, Engineering, Biology…
As it is great revolution change, the goal will be a long road and difficult to achieve, but where there’s a will, there’s a way. The Dutch State Secretary for Education, Culture, and Science, Sander Dekker said: “The time for talking about Open Access is now past. With these agreements, we are going to achieve it in practice”. Read more at the original article.


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