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Information > Top 5 inventions that can save mankind

Top 5 inventions that can save mankind

1. Membranes turning seawater into drinking water

The graphene-based sieve that has just been developed by the researchers in the United Kingdom will helps to reduce energy used for desalination. It will be an effective solution for countries with frequent water shortages.
 A graphene-based sieve

2. Mini planes carrying out pollination

Most of our daily foods need to be pollinated to produce fruits, and up to 75% of all agricultural crops in the world needs the help of animals such as bees, butterflies ... to be able to poll. Researchers in Japan are experimenting with mini-planes that transport pollen from trees to trees on a giant flower to replace insects.
Mini-aircraft to pollinate a flower

3. Self-destructing biological bullets

The "miracle" biological bullet that the US military is aiming for.
The United States Department of Defense is working on a new bullet that can reduce environmental pollution and self-destruct. This type of bullet is also being hoped to be able to creat foods for animals after use.

4. "Plastic" made from plants not polluting the environment

Drinkable plastic - a solution for the future?
A Indonesian bussinessman, Mr. Kevin Kumala, has succeeded in producing raincoats, handbags and food packaging made from cassava, a cheap and popular vegetable in Indonesia. It can self-destruct after being used.

5. Aircrafts that only emits steam

The HY4 project hopes that in the near future, it will be possible to build an environmentally friendly "air taxi" airplane system that will move from cities to cities.
The hydrogen-powered airplane, only emits steam.
Source: khoahoc.tv
Editor: Kim Loan
Translator: Jenny


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