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Information > The first Vietnamese S&T publication on ISI

The first Vietnamese S&T publication on ISI

After being included in Scopus database in 2014, the journal Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (ANSN) published by Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences and IOP Publishing in the UK has been put into Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE) database by Thomson Reuters. It is based on the coefficient IF of ANSN assessed by Thomson Reuters in 12 months of 2015.

That ANSN journal has been put into SCIE was made public by Thomson Reuters through the website: https://ip-science.thomsonreuters.com/cgi-bin/jrnlst/jlcovchanges.cgi?PC=D

According to the classification of SCImago, journals are divided into 4 categories: Q1: includes journals with the highest position (of the top 25%) of IF; Q2: includes journals with medium high position of IF (between the top 25% and the top 50%); Q3 includes journals with medium low position of IF (between the top 50% and the top 75%), and Q4 includes journals standing at the last position (bottom 25%).
ANSN journal was classified as journal of Engineering and Materials Science by SCImago. Based on the IF of ANSN in 2014, Scopus classified ANSN as follows: Q1 is of Engineering and Q2 is of Materials Science.
(according to Journal Of Science And Technology)


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