Planning of public science and technology organization network
Public science and technology organization network planning up to 2020, orientation toward 2030 has been approved by the Prime Minister with the aim of arranging, consolidating and accelerating restructuring in order to improve the capacity and performance of public scientific and technological organizations. By 2030, about 30% number of the organizations will decrease.
By 2020, nearly 55% of researchers of public scientific and technological organizations has a master's degree or higher, of which at least 20% has doctorate. By 2030, approximately 70% of researchers of public scientific and technological organizations has a master's degree or higher, of which at least 30% has doctorate.
Applied research organizations and scientific and technological service organizations are encouraged to switch to fully autonomous, operating under the business model. Public scientific and technological organizations are gradually privatized eligibly under the provisions of law.
In the period 2021 - 2030, we will be speeding up restructuring network of public scientific and technological organizations towards reducing the number of the organizations, increasing the scale, improving capacity and performance of public scientific and technological organizations on the basis of merging or consolidation of organization having duplicate functions; dissolving scientific organizations inefficient or unnecessary to maintain operations; equalizing organizations eligible or not necessary to maintain in the public form.