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Conference & Workshop > ICCSE-4 Opening Ceremony and ICST 10th year of operation anniversary

ICCSE-4 Opening Ceremony and ICST 10th year of operation anniversary


July 25, 2019, The Fourth International Conference on Computational Science and Technology (ICCSE-4) has been celebrated at Eastin Grand Saigon Hotel. This is also an important event marking the 10th year of operations anniversary of the Institute for Science and Technology - ICST (2009-2019).

Attending the ICCSE-4 opening ceremony,  there are Dr. Nguyen Viet Dzung, Director of Ho Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology; Assoc. Prof. Vu Hai Quan, Deputy Director of National University, Ho Chi Minh City; Mr. Phung Cong Dzung, President of State Committee For Overseas Vietnamese, Ho Chi Minh City; and nearly 200 speakers, lecturers and students, scientists and researchers in Vietnam and other countries.

In the welcome remarks of ICCSE-4 and 10th-year anniversary of the ICST, Dr. Nguyen Viet Dzung sent his congratulations and best wishes to all members of ICST. He also recommended that ICST would not only promote basic science research, but also pay attention to solving urgent problems associated with the city's development goals such as flooding control, traffic congestion solutions, pollution reduction and other social – economic issues.
Dr. Nguyen VIet Dung, Director of HCMC Department of Science and Technology, delivered a welcome speech to ICCSE-4

The development of ICST during the past 10 years has recorded great contributions of all core members of the Science Council. Regarding achievements in research activities, Professor Mai Xuan Li and Professor Nguyen Minh Tho were granted commendations from the city’s government in 2018. This year, we are pleased to announce another honour commendation from the State Committee For Overseas Vietnamese, Ho Chi Minh City, presented to Professor Nguyen Van Thinh.
Chairman of the Overseas Vietnamese Committee, Mr. Phung Cong Dung, awarded the certificate of merit to Professor. Nguyen Van Thinh

In the morning agenda, Prof. Ho Tu Bao (JAIST, Japan - VIASM, Vietnam) and Prof. Yuko Okamoto, (Nagoya University, Japan) presented two outstanding presentations on the applications of artificial intelligence and quantum simulation research.

In the afternoon, the ICCSE-4 continues with parallel sessions on Computational Biophysics, Computational Chemistry and Materials, Water Resources and Climate Change.

On the morning of July 26, the program will go on with a plenary lecture by Prof. Nguyen Van Thanh Van, McGill University, Canada on the link between climate change and urban infrastructure design (free entrance).

See Conference agenda at website: https://conference.icst.org.vn

Link to download documents (94Mb): https://bit.ly/2Z8wE5P


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