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Conference & Workshop > The 3rd International conference on Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Studies – ECSS 2017

The 3rd International conference on Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Studies – ECSS 2017

ECSS 2017 was a place for managers and researchers from local and foreign universities, institutes and sea-island organizations to contact with each other as well as to share the newest research results related to sciences, technology, social economy and sea-island environment.
Prof. Ph.D. Nguyen Ky Phung exchanged ideas with managers and researchers before the conference
The international ECSS 2017 was organized by the University of Natural Resources and Environment, Nihon University (Japan) and the Institute of Computational Science and Technolody (directly under Department of Science
and Technology).
General scene of the moment before the conference took place

Prof. Ph.D. Nguyen Ky Phung – Director of the Institute of Computational Science and Technology, Deputy Director of Department of Science and Technology told that Vietnam had 3200 km length adjoining to the sea and researchers has been studying about Marine physics, marine dynamics, marine ecosystem and marine space management.
Prof.Ph.D. Nguyen Ky Phung delivered the opening speech of ECSS 2017
ECSS 2017 was an annual conference held by the Institute of Computational Science and Technology, University of Natural Resources and Environment and Nihon University (Japan).
“As far as we knew, the influences of human as well as climate change are causing the change of natural processes in seas and oceans, typically, the raise of sea level, air temperature variation, typhoons and tropical storms, eroded estuary and coast, marine pollution, etc” – Prof. Phung said-“and all of those things require us to think about how we have treated the nature in order to live with it harmoniously.
Prof. Nguyen Ky Phung also expressed his hope that all the research reports and speeches at this conference will bring great benefits to researchers, university lecturers, managers and students in the marine field.

Prof. Ph.D. Akio Kobayashi introduced about Nihon University
After the ICST director’s speech, Ph.D. Takaaki Uda – director of the Japan Center of Public Construction Research presented towards the subject “Experience from constructing the artificial coast on Okinawa Island”
Ph.D. Takaaki Uda introduced “Experience from constructing the artificial coast on Okinawa Island”
Besides, the conference also involved some special subjects such as “Main orientation to apply remote sensing to manage the sub littoral zone at Mekong Delta”, “The influence of climate change to aquaculture in coastal areas of Vietnam”, “Oil spilling emulation” as well as many posters displaying recent studies about sub littoral zone, estuary and alluvial ground of Vietnam.
Memorial picture of ECSS 2017
Translator: Kim Loan



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