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Information > Science and Technology news from 25-31 August, 2017

Science and Technology news from 25-31 August, 2017

NAFOSTED invests in big research groups
Since 2017, NAFOSTED has officially adopted an investment policy in big research groups with the goal of promoting the development of high-quality science and technology personnel and improving the quality of Vietnam's research in accordance with international standards and practices. In order to be approved for funding, big research groups' proposals must go through a rigorous competitive evaluation process. The process and criteria for reviewing the research topic of the group are similar to those for reviewing the basic research topic of the Fund, but the "input" and "output" conditions are at higher levels. The principle of selection is through the evaluation of the International Scientific Council and the International Reviewer. The Fund also encourages and promotes international cooperation in the subject of the big research group.
Three physicists received the Bell 2017 Prize
John Stewart Bell Prize, the leading world prize in the field of quantum mechanics has just recently been awarded to three scientists, including Ronald Hanson, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, Sae-Woo Nam of the National Institute of Standards & Technology, United States, and Anton Zeilinger, University of Vienna, Austria. The recipients each led separate experiments in 2015 that showed two particles so distant from one another that no signal could connect them even at the speed of light nevertheless possessed an invisible and instantaneous connection. 
Read the originial article here.
The core issues of a big research group
The issue of whether Vietnamese science needs the number or the quality of publications has been forthrightly debated in recent sessions of NAFOSTED Fund between the members of the science council.
On the one hand, the number of publications is needed, but on the other hand, we should also care about improving the quality of publication. Thus, we need to have big research groups with nuclear scientists who have extensive research experience and publication in prestigious ISI journals. In addition, investment in order to form a big research group should be considered in many espects. Firstly, in addition to the leader of the group publishing in prestigious ISI magazine in the past 5 years, there is also at least two other key members meeting the requirement, that is, the chairman of the Fund. Secondly, it is manpower being capable of solving problems. Thirdly, the duration of doing must be long enough. Fourthly, it is the benefits of research member. And finally, the head of the research group has to be under tremendous pressure.
Written by Kim Loan
Translated by Nguyen Thanh Ngoc (Jenny)


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