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Information > S&T news from February 16 to 24, 2017

S&T news from February 16 to 24, 2017

Prioritizing funds for science and technology topics to meet urgent needs
On 21 February, 2017, Ho Chi Minh City Department of Science and Technology (DOST) held a conference of Introduction of the Program of Scientific Research - Technology Development and Scientific and Technological Potential Enhancement  of Ho Chi Minh City during the period from 2016 to 2020.
Speaking at the conference, Mr. Pham Van Xu, Head of Science Management of DOST, said that in order to meet the requirements of science and technology development in the new period, DOST would spend 70% budget to prioritize scientific and technological subjects to meet the urgent needs of the city, and at the same time to formulate a new mechanism in order to form close links between science and technology organizations and enterprises.
In the section of answering to questions for scientists, Prof. Dr. Nguyễn Kỳ Phùng said that the Department will propose to improve the way to check principal investigators in.
View the Vietnamese original article here.
Connecting science and technology information to the intellectual community
That is the direction from the Deputy Director of DOST Nguyen Ky Phung at the meeting reviewing work in 2016 and planning for 2017 of Ho Chi Minh City Center for Science and Technology Information - CESTI.
Speaking at the meeting, the Deputy Director emphasized that CESTI should create more information dissemination methods to spread professional activities, need to update and link scientific and technological information of the center to the intellectual community, first of all the community of scientists living and working in the city, and then expand to nationwide.
For scientific and technogical information statistics, the Deputy Director Nguyen Ky Phung insisted on that CESTI should step up the statistics of data collection such as technology absorption index, labor productivity index in science and technology.
View the Vietnamese original article here.
Summarized by Kim Loan
Edited and translated by Jenny


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