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Information > Innovation in using allocated state budget for science and technology task performance

Innovation in using allocated state budget for science and technology task performance

On 30 December, 2015, the Minister of Science and Technology (S&T) and the Minister of Finance signed to issue Joint Circular No. 27/2015/TTLT BKHCN-BTC regulating using allocated budget to perform science and technology tasks (Circular 27). This Circular was effective from 15 February, 2016, replacing Joint Circular No. 93/ 2006/ BTC-BKHCN TTLT on 4 October, 2006 of the Ministry of Finance and Ministry of Science and Technology guiding on allocated budget of topics, S&T projects (Circular 93). 


Organization and the Head of duty have autonomy

in using allocated budget


Under the new rules, the science and technology tasks shall be settled once

after being finished.

Circular 27 has contributed to concretize the strong innovation of financing mechanism for science and technology activities through the provisions on the method of allocating, granting autonomy for the Head of duties and lead organization in using budget, using budget reasonably during task performance, simplifying procedures for payment and settlement of budget. With the renovation process from the stage of identification, recruitment, putting in an estimate for science and technology task performance, innovation of the allocated budget mechanism, regulations of Circular 27 will contribute positively to put Resolution 20-NQ/ TW on the development of science and technology to serve industrialization and modernization cause in conditions of socialist-oriented market economy and international integration and the Law on Science and Technology in 2013 into life.
(Source: https://khoahocvacongnghevietnam.com.vn)


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