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Research & Development > Publication on “Kinetics of Thermal Unimolecular Decomposition of Acetic Anhydride - An Integrated Deterministic and Stochastic Model”

Publication on “Kinetics of Thermal Unimolecular Decomposition of Acetic Anhydride - An Integrated Deterministic and Stochastic Model”

On April 6th, 2017, the Research Group of Laboratory of Molecular Science with the first author, Mr. Mai Van Thanh Tam has just published a research named “Kinetics of Thermal Unimolecular Decomposition of Acetic Anhydride - An Integrated Deterministic and Stochastic Model” on The Journal of Physical Chemistry A (IF 2.883)
Acetic anhydride, (CH3CO)2O can be considered as an acetylating reagent that thermally decomposes to give ketene and acetic acid, (CH3CO)2O →  CH2CO + CH3COOH. This reaction has truly received considerable interest for the purpose to produce ketene (CH2CO), an important intermediate in the combustion of hydrocarbon fuels. Despite its importance, only a few kinetic investigations concerning the title reaction have been studied both experimentally and theoretically. Therefore, his group applied an integrated deterministic and stochastic model, within the master equation/Rice–Ramsperger– Kassel–Marcus (ME/RRKM) framework (via the Multi-Species Multi-Channels (MSMC) code developed at ICST) (Minh v. Duong et al., Int. J. Chem. Kinet., 2015, 47(9), 564-575), which was first used to characterize temperature- and pressure dependent behaviors of thermal decomposition of acetic anhydride in a wide range of conditions. Particularly, using potential energy surface and molecular properties obtained from high-level electronic structure calculations at CCSD(T)/CBS, macroscopic thermodynamic properties and rate coefficients of the title reaction were derived with corrections for hindered internal rotation and tunneling treatments.
Being in excellent agreement with the scattered experimental data, the results from deterministic and stochastic frameworks confirmed and complemented each other to reveal the main decomposition pathway proceeds via a 6-membered-ring transition state with the 0-K barrier of 35.2 kcal×mol-1. This observation was further understood and confirmed by the sensitivity analysis on the time-resolved species profiles and the derived rate coefficients with respect to the ab initio barriers. Such an agreement suggests the integrated model can be confidently used for a wide range of conditions as a powerful post-facto and predictive tool in detailed chemical kinetic modeling and simulation for the title reaction and thus can be extended to complex chemical reactions.
Graphical abstract

Read full article here
Author: Thanh Tam
Editor: Kim Loan


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