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Information > Taking Vitamins Goes High-Tech

Taking Vitamins Goes High-Tech

When you think of highly personalized, tech-oriented health care, you tend to think of the type-A Silicon Valley personalities who obsess over life hacks. But the ideal first patients for Vitagene, a startup that customizes supplement packages, turned out to be an unexpected group: weight-loss-surgery patients. The surgery makes it necessary for patients to take a medically required list of nutrients, which means they are the perfect group to test the idea that by marrying science and technology, dietary supplements can move past the hype and into the realm of solid science.
What Vitagene eventually built is an algorithm that sifts through the available research findings and applies it to the database of Vitagene users to suggest supplements that work for each patient’s own medical profile...(go to original article Taking Vitamins Goes High-Tech by Mike Montgomery on Forbes)


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