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Information > 7 security issues to keep in mind in 2017

7 security issues to keep in mind in 2017

2016 year woke up by the big DDoS attacks from the IoT "ghost army", a security vulnerability on WordPress threatening millions of bloggers to face unpredictable risks. Ransomware malware outbreak everywhere, allegations that individuals use private emails in work has led to national security loss, and cyberattacks have distorted recent US presidential election results. There is no indication that the 2017 security picture will light up.

According to security experts, this year's situation is even worse with complex network security developments ranging from social engineering to new and more sophisticated malware-infamous methods, taking advantage of mobile technology to penetrate systems of organizations, businesses and target users. Here are 7 highlights in the 2017 security picture according to the experts:
  1. Strengthening password management
  2. Strictly supervising privilege
  3. Blaming each other on the responsibility of confidentiality
  4. Ransomware will be out of control
  5. Detection time is not much improved
  6. Increase in attack through cellular lane
  7. IoT is also Internet of Threads.
See PC World for more details.
Editor: Huu Nhan


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