
Science and Technology news from 25-31 August, 2017

NAFOSTED invests in big research groups Since 2017, NAFOSTED has officially adopted an investment policy in big research groups with the goal of promoting the development of high-quality science ...

Watching Eclipse without the right protective equipment - what will happen?

So. You want to watch the eclipse on Monday and you think that you don’t need any of those "safety" eclipse glasses. That's a fantastic way to cause permanent damage to your ...

Cancer Patients Who Turn To Alternative Medicine Are 2.5 Times More Likely To Die

Cancer is a terrifying thing to go through. To then be faced with chemotherapy, which comes with unpleasant side effects and is never 100 percent guaranteed to work, can be even more worrying for ...

ICST 2017 Vacation

Last week (from August 1 to August 5, 2017), most of the staff of the Institute for Computational Science and Technology (ICST) and and their family went on holiday together in Binh Dinh. The trip ...

Ho Chi Minh City set up Key Start-up ecosystem management boards

On the morning of 19 July, 2017, the leader of the Department of Science and Technology of the city announced to set up the Executive board for the Start-up eco-system in the fields of Mechanics, ...

Innovation and start-up week of Ho Chi Minh City in 2017

In order to promote creativity and start-up activities in the city, building a city of innovation and start-up in tandem with the region and the world, Ho Chi Minh City People's Committee has ...

New review - Supercomputer system

1. Huawei launched the High-Performance Computing (HPC) Global Center of Excellence . At the 2017 International Supercomputer Conference (ISC 2017), Huawei announced the establishment of the ...

Job vacancies announcement 2017

The Institute for Computational Science and Technology (ICST) are inviting interested applicants for the following posts: - Researchers: 15 vacancies - Administrative staffs: 5 ...
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